My Hobbies!

I dont have many hobbies but the few that i have bring me much joy and excitement throughout my days!!

Spending time with my pup

My first and probably most consistent hobby is spending time and playing with my dog, i have a beautiful 6 year old beagle/husky mixed named lola. She is a super active and affectionate dog who loves spending her entire day going on walks or playing in and out of the house. Most importantly her favorite activity is nap time, and she loves to cuddle as close to you as possible while sleeping.


Video Games

Whenever i find myself having free time and want to relax i enjoy spending my time playing games on my desktop at home, i play pretty much any type of game their is and enjoy the times i have playing games with my friends. Not only do i have fun with my friends but i also can get time too myself and leisurely play a solo player game.


After graduating from highschool i chose to no longer play baseball and focus on school,However after playing it for almost 15 years of my life it felt like it left a sort of void to play a sport. Thankfully over the summer a couple of my friends finally convinced me to go golfing with them after years of saying "ill get around to it" but never following through. Ive been thankful ever since as ive gotten completely hooked and have gone atleast twice a week to play ever since that fateful day back in may.and since i dont take too many pictures when out on the course, heres a link to my favorite courses website instead
Stonehedge golf course